Saturday 1 October 2011

Did Nelly Furtado do the right thing of giving to money to Me2We?

I would say that Nelly Furtado did the right thing and ggiving it to kenya to build schools, I would say that because Gaddafi people wanted war and they havr good not great but good education, Kenya has poor education, So Nelly Furtadoo is doi g a good thing by doing that.

I think if she gave 1 million dollars to Libya where will the money go?, Muammar Gaddafi is out so who is in charge?, I think Nelly Furtado is doing the right thing also its a good thing that Nelly Furtado give it to kenya for schools. Also Beyonce, Lindsey Lohan, Russel Simmons, and Jay-Z, has been put in the same poisition wit Nelly Furtado, so i think that Nelly Furtdao did the right thing and a good thing

1 comment:

  1. Jacob i do not agree with your opinion because the money did not belong to Qaddafi it belonged to the people of Libya NOT the Qaddafi people (which I'm guessing are the Libyans).and the only good point you made was the first 2 sentences in the second paragraph,which is "I think if she gave 1 million dollars to Libya where will the money go?, Muammar Quddafi is out so who is in charge?".And before you post something click spell check and proof read it cause there are many mistakes and it looks rushed cause most of the sentences did not make sense !
