Thursday 15 September 2011

public schools system, Summery

By: Chris Selly
 Chris selly artical is about rich public schools against the poor public schools, its obvsouly richer schools earn more money than a poor school, some schools raise to 500$ to 1000$ per student in the year of 2008-09, also they will bannning all parental donations to all the public schools and let the goverent pay for the funds, the most marginalized 20% of the schools raise less than 1/3 of the funds that the least marginalized 20%  of schools raise, the top ten fundraisers brought in 515$ per student and got an average of 8.75 out of 10 rating. The bottom 10 fundraisers brought 17$ per student and got a 5.3 rating.

Great teachers are priceless, and donations are worthless without them,While no student should be excluded from participating in any school activity or event based on the ability to pay, some activities or events may require some recovery of the cost for participation
 Nelson Mandela Park middle school’s $16-per student fundraising in line with Whitney Junior Public School’s $1,026 won’t address the bedrock reasons the former is ranked 2.0 by the Fraser Institute and the latter 8.6. Programs like Pathways to Education, the unapologetically interventionist and spectacularly successful program that lures, prods and counsels at-risk students towards graduation, Education is very important and we all need to learn.

Chris selly is talking about richer public schools basically being richer and poor public schools well being poorer, richers school tend to have more than poor public school, as the artical tells you, a rich school gets 515$ per student  every year and if that school had a 100 students, every year the school will get 51,500$ per year for books, school supplies , and gym supplies, they can also afford computers, they also can afford jersey's for both sexes and for each grade as in some schools they have to share jerseys, the poorer school get 17$ per student and if they have 100 students, every year will only get 1,700$ per year, witch will only afford books and school supplies, and some gym supplies , the poor only has almost 1/3 of the money that the richer school's has.

The poor schools has it worst but think about the poorer schools of the poor schools, so 20% of the public schools are poor , and another of that 20% is poorer than the poor schools, the richer schools has rating that are great, so the rich school has a 8.75 rating out of 10 and the poorer schools has 5.3 rating out of 10, and i would choose the 8.75 rating schools than the 5.3 rating schools, but its not fair some schools are poor but have excellent students and some schools are rich but have underaverage students, some schools should do everything, like some schools has swimming and other schools dont, because they cant afford the swimming shorts, and the googels or dont have acces to the comunity swimming pool, so the plan b is ban the parental donations and let the goverment pay the schools.

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