Sunday 30 October 2011

Toronto man finding a python in toilet

Mr.Punwassie or Ramdat Punwassie found a python in toilet, near jane street and st.claire avenue west at a apartment 220 woolner and a day before they found a three foot - corn snake in 190 woolner in the same apartment. Mr.Punwassie said he was not afraid of the python.

If I were Mr.Punwassie I wouldn't be scared but shocked because, he lives in an area where you don't even see snakes, so how can a python be in my toilet? Maybe its an owners pet or maybe it escaped from a zoo or a animal shelter, and that how i would react if there was a python in my toilet, and i would be more cautious going into my bathroom.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Did Nelly Furtado do the right thing of giving to money to Me2We?

I would say that Nelly Furtado did the right thing and ggiving it to kenya to build schools, I would say that because Gaddafi people wanted war and they havr good not great but good education, Kenya has poor education, So Nelly Furtadoo is doi g a good thing by doing that.

I think if she gave 1 million dollars to Libya where will the money go?, Muammar Gaddafi is out so who is in charge?, I think Nelly Furtado is doing the right thing also its a good thing that Nelly Furtado give it to kenya for schools. Also Beyonce, Lindsey Lohan, Russel Simmons, and Jay-Z, has been put in the same poisition wit Nelly Furtado, so i think that Nelly Furtdao did the right thing and a good thing